‘M A LIFE COACH in South Florida, specializing in helping people create breakthroughs in their finances, careers, relationships, and sense of purpose. My philosophy of coaching is: “There’s nothing wrong with you that needs fixing, but something great in you that needs awakening.” And when that something great wakes up, life becomes more than just doing what we have to do each day, but a passionate, joyful experience we can’t wait to wake up to each morning. It’s the kind of joy that you’ll see on my face in the photo on this page. That’s what I can help make available to you with Breakthrough Coaching. (Sorry, but like with batteries, the tropical birds are not included.)
A potentially life-changing bonus is available to you for signing up to receive my newsletter: It’s a free half-hour coaching session. The session can empower you with a breakthrough in your finances or work; your career or sense of purpose; your relationships or your communication; your spiritual life; or the overcoming of procrastination. Sign up here for just that. Or, if you prefer, you could email me at successaerobics@aol.com.
I’M A WORKSHOP LEADER. Learn more about Workshops by exploring the three links to Personal Growth Workshops, Corporate Workshops and Continuing Education Workshops.
I’M A MEDITATION TEACHER. To learn about the Higher Self Healing Meditation that I launched after teaching Transcendental Meditation to thousands of people Meditation Teaching go to my Meditation page.
I’M A KEYNOTE SPEAKER. To learn about my fresh breeze of breakthrough thinking in Keynotes & Speaking that I give at conventions, trade associations gatherings, companies, and other meetings, go to my Speeches and Keynotes page.
I’M A WRITER. In order to explain my work in greater detail, I’ve done a great deal of writing. The Products page contains my books, cds, and tapes. I’ve written several mini-books that are a great way to explore Success Aerobics. A visit to the Columns link will bring you to some of the articles I’ve written for my syndicated “Life 101” column that appears in publications throughout the country.
Thousands of people read and enjoy my free Newsletter each month. It’s an ezine that includes inspiring quotes, affirmations, factoids, an article, and other tidbits that will make you feel good about who you are and probably wiser, as well. It also details where I’ll be teaching that month. Check out the Newsletter page for the current newsletter, as well as past ones, and I think you might like to come along for the ride.
If you’d like to see what others have said about my classes and coaching, stop by the Testimonials page.