Business Workshops

STRESS, CONFLICT, DECREASED MOTIVATION AND THE LACK OF SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK are the cancers that eat away at productivity in business. Bayer Communications’ expertise is in comprehending the root causes of these maladies and showing businesses how to transform these negative trends. The result is a championship-level organization with an enhanced bottom line and a feeling of camaraderie that makes people enjoy coming to work and performing more productively.

Described below are workshops developed by Bayer Communications to help businesses transform into the vital, creative and successful entities that they were intended to be.

The Workshops

The Fundamentals of Success

Stimulating Qualities to Help You Succeed

  • Enliven vision, passion, commitment and persistence
  • Build teamwork
  • Deepen communications

Show & Sell

Reawakening Enthusiasm in Sales

  • Selling to the left and right sides of the brain
  • Selling on a daily basis
  • Selling more innocently

Conscious Communications

Stimulating Breakthroughs among Staff

  • Telling the truth more kindly and quickly
  • Learning how to listen
  • The 10 Fundamentals of Communication

Overcoming Procrastination NOW

Enlivening Productivity & Success

  • Learn curative method to overcome habits of delay that cause untold suffering, loss of money, & lack of success
  • Learn mental, emotional, & behavioral techniques that empower achievement
  • Learn the Procrastination Aerobics, a 12-minute program that builds self-esteem & prevents procrastination’s return

Higher Self Healing Meditation

Enlivening Success Without Stress

  • Relief from stress
  • Enhanced energy & productivity
  • Greater health & vitality
  • Better co-worker morale

The Breakthrough Aerobics

An Inner Workout to Awaken the Greatness in Everyone

  • Transform limiting beliefs
  • Enhance your innate enthusiasm for life and work
  • Learn the habits of very successful people

The Laughter Playshop

Releasing Stress in Tense Times

  • Learn how to keep your client relationships fresh
  • Learn the 4 tools to brighten and lighten your daily life
  • Learn how to wake up on the right side of the bed

Bring Aliveness & Greatness to YOUR Workplace
Write or call to schedule today!
New York Office: (845) 664-1883
Florida Office: (845) 664-1883